K – Mail Order GmbH & Co. KG

Restructuring the product and campaign planning process

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Our client Klingel wanted to strategically realign their planning process for campaigns and advertising materials to be more flexible and customer-centric. For this purpose, a new planning software was to be developed.

The challenge lay in the fact that some processes relied on manual inputs, considerable expertise was fragmented across different departments and the changed process affected multiple business areas.


December 2020 – June 2023


5 Developers
1 Team Coach


Fashion & lifestyle


  • Analysis, concept development and consulting regarding technical implementation
  • Development of a cloud-based solution for seasonal planning
  • Integration into the existing cloud infrastructure and support in its further development


High level of complexity? Challenge accepted!

An important success factor along the way was an agile approach. We first gained an overview of the stakeholders’ needs and divided the process steps into modules. To bring everyone along, we followed established processes and collaboratively developed the necessary changes through regular reviews and by incorporating feedback from the teams. This way, we were able to ensure the maximum benefit for all areas.

Solution &

Say goodbye to confusion and manual processes!

With the new tool, collaboration between departments has improved, and time-consuming manual inputs have been replaced. The client now has the ability to conduct test scenarios, perform detailed data analyses, and view the success of campaigns at any time.

Thomas Haschke

Product Owner,
Haschke Consulting GmbH,
assigned by Klingel Group

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Working with Spaceteams is a prime example for me of how effectively software projects can be implemented when you work closely together, communicate on an equal footing and always keep the focus on results.

Do you also dream of workdays without Excel sheets?

If you still enter a large amount of data manually in Excel for your strategic plans and analysis, let’s talk about a software solution instead.