intersoft AG

Successful consultation to prevent project crisis

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As a subsidiary of the WWK insurance group, intersoft AG develops IT solutions for various insurance products. The existing legacy system was to be modernised and replaced by a new architecture.

This mammoth task involved many project teams, already had a long duration and did not develop the necessary dynamics due to its complexity. The project stagnated while the deadline drew ever closer.


January 2021 – June 2021


1 Developer
1 Team Coach




  • Analysis & consulting
  • Software development
  • Project management


Successfully overcoming resistance.

In this challenging situation, Spaceteams came on board and took on an advisory role. With a fresh view from outside and a comprehensive analysis of the situation, we brought new structure to the project. Often, this also meant following a strict course and overcoming resistance.

Solution &

An important step towards the goal.

In the end, we successfully guided everyone involved through the process and met the deadline. The newly introduced systems were integrated independently into the existing system.


Application developer,
intersoft AG

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Spaceteams has helped to improve the focus within the team in many ways. They asked the right questions, enriched meetings and moved the team forward with their technical skills. Christoph also took on the role of a mentor for me at times. He taught me different methods and trained me to use tools in a more targeted way to achieve better code quality. intersoft was ultimately very satisfied with the service and effort and would have liked to work with Spaceteams for longer.

Do your internal software teams need support?

When complexity is high and deadlines are approaching, an outside perspective can be a blessing. We are happy to provide a team to advise you during the ongoing process, coordinate your teams and get your project back on track.