BTC Embedded Systems AG

Enabling an informed management decision

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BTC Embedded Systems, a company specialising in automated and intelligent test solutions for the automotive and mobility industry, sought our expertise to modernise their test specification toolchain.

They were keen to identify the most effective solution to meet their objectives.


November 2021


2 Developers
2 Team Coaches


Automotive & mobility


  • Discovery and requirements analysis
  • Technical concept development
  • Cost calculation
  • Holistic consulting


Paving the way for an informed management decision.

Our primary task was to provide the client with expert guidance on whether custom software development was the optimal path forward. To accomplish this, we initiated a comprehensive discovery phase. During this phase, we delved deep into the client’s processes, requirements and objectives. Using user story mapping, we focused on defining the precise outcomes the software should deliver for its users and established priority levels for the requirements. Additionally, we outlined technical concepts and provided rough cost estimations, ensuring the client had all the necessary information to make an informed decision about whether a custom software solution aligned with their needs.

Solution &

Honest advice with focus on the customer’s benefit.

After conducting two focused phases of discovery and a comprehensive evaluation of the advantages and disadvantages, we reached the conclusion that a standard software solution would be the more suitable choice for the client’s requirements. At our core, we prioritise providing honest advice that best serves our clients, even if it means that our involvement in the project concludes. This commitment to integrity and professionalism is ingrained in our values and work ethic.

Ralf Sanders

Senior Vice President Automotive Services,
BTC Embedded Systems AG

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We, BTC Embedded Systems AG, contacted Spaceteams with the idea of renewing our requirement and test specification toolchain. Spaceteams guided us with their very high level of knowledge and their agile approaches through two focused phases of discovery to develop a common understanding of what we need and what we have to expect when it comes to a decision to develop a new Web-based solution that implements our special requirements to support our internal requirement and test specification process. Results like technical concepts and user story maps, but also rough estimations, gave us enough information for a management decision. We are very thankful for their expertise, even though we decided to use standard software instead of developing a custom solution. We can recommend cooperation with Spaceteams at any time.

Could custom software be right for your business?

Let’s find out in a focused discovery phase!